
Final Project for term1

我第一个学期的final project是要做一本24页的小杂志。我的idea是想做一本像“the sisterhood of the traveling pants”里面那条能把好朋友bring and keep together的神奇牛仔裤一样的杂志。把我在国外留学的朋友的生活串起来,以一组伦敦的fashion shoot为开篇。对了,帮我想想杂志的名字吧。

这是一本未完成的杂志,以后会有续集,一年之后可能还会出第二本,跟踪你们的生活情况,也可能添加其他的人... WHO KNOWS





To my Dear Friends
Must have:
One portrait of yourself (我已经私自盗用了你们的个人头像,但是你们可以给我更好的图片)
One postcard made by your own: it could be anything, from landscape of the country to the view from your window, from the art works you like to the pets you came across. (各种风格都可以,请务必写上你想把它寄给谁,写上你想写的话。最好是手绘或手写)

Questions: (请你们尽量给我图片来回答这些问题,as many as possible)

Your personal information: the subject you’re learning, the school you’re in, the city and country you’re in, your family address and telephone number please. (我会想办法把杂志印出来给你家人寄过去,你们自己嘛,可以选择要电子版或者回家再看,哈哈,从英国寄国际邮件应该会太贵)

1) How has this (指留学) changed you?
2) How’s the place you’re living? (必需图片)
3) What’s the classic look of the local people? (必需图片哟)
4) The clothes or accessories you wear most of the time (有图最好)
5) The garments you newly bought from local (有图最好)
6) The most weird or funny experience since you’ve been there
7) Where did you travel? (图片)
8) What are the things that you can’t get used to?
9) How are your new friends like? (你们出去混的时候有没有拍照呀?)
10) The odds form your school: dressing impressively? Acting crazily? Working hard? Talking unbearably? (尽量光明正大地拍他们,如果不行就偷拍吧,实在不行就算了,我可不想你们被起诉)
11) How are your courses? Difficult? Insane? Good fun? Lovely tutors?
12) The best work you’ve recently done (必需图片)
13) Your routine every day or every week (刷牙洗脸就算了,除非你自己磨竹盐刷牙,热牛奶洗脸)
14) Things you miss now (有图片么?)
15) Person you miss (哈哈,如果你想跟大家分享你思念的人,当然可以放照片)
16) The interesting places or shops you’d love to go (有图片最好)
17) The little items that interested you: shoes, plates, cards, electronic products, anything (图片)
18) Do you cook yourself? If yes, what do you cook? And how do your get the food material?(最好用图片引诱一下大家)

备注:a) 你们可以不回答一些你不喜欢的问题,也可以添加你想告诉大家,我却没有想到的东西。如果还没有入学,可以用其他好玩的或相关信息来代替关于学校的。总之,不需要全部回答,你给我的内容能够填满两张A4纸就行了。
b) 请尽量给我英语和中文双版本,英语是为了交我的作业,中文是为了给你们的父母看。有些东西无法用英语也可以不用英语,不想给我导师看到的内容也可以用中文代替,哈哈~
c) 每个人有两面A4版面,如果你们认为自己排版能够表达自己的个性,一万零一个欢迎…外加一个香吻。如果嫌麻烦,直接把原材料给我就行了,仍然可以索要香吻的^_^


